Aging and Disability Resource Connection of San Benito County (ADRC) is part of a growing statewide network of California Department on Aging (CDA) funded and locally supported ADRCs created to simplify and streamline access to enhanced information referral/assistance, long term services and supports options counseling, short term service coordination, and institution-to-home transition assistance. Employing both person centered and ‘No Wrong Door’ approaches to community services access, planning, and delivery, ADRCs help people live where and how they want to live.
The ADRC hub site, located at the Hollister Community Recreation Center, is a collaborative partnership between Seniors Council and core partners Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL) and Jovenes de Antaño. This professionally staffed office provides community based long term services and supports assistance to San Benito County residents, caregivers, families, and fellow organizations in helping to identify needed resources and information to make long term care and support decisions. The site also provides assistance in key areas of support such as options counseling, application assistance, and short term service coordination.
ADRC of San Benito County staff and partner organizations are creating a network of like-minded community organizations to ensure that regardless of which organization you contact for help, you’ll receive the benefit of the knowledge, eligibility-based program access, and community-based service enrollments this growing network represents.

Eligibility for Services
These services and supports are available to eligible individuals and families including older adults, individuals living with disability, family caregivers, friends, neighbors, and concerned community members, regardless of age, income, citizenship, or immigration status.
Program Goals
The goals of the program and the supports it provides in concert with other local service providers is to assist in identifying and accessing local help with community-based living needs, as alternatives to more expensive and more restrictive institutional care, and for those in need of such supports to live safely, with dignity, and in the home and community of their choice. ADRCs contribute to local and statewide efforts to continue to rebalance Medi-Cal spending on long term services and supports, away from institutional care facilities (15% of current spending) and towards more accessible and equitable community-based services (85% of current spending).