(Senior Citizen OUTreach)

How to Pay Your Taxes: An IRS Video Guide

Cómo pagar sus impuestos: Una guía en video del IRS




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Appointments Closed April 15th

Project SCOUT Is not taking more appointments for tax season 2024 ending April 15th. If you have no tax liability (in other words, don’t owe money to the IRS or FTB) you have three years to file. No extension is necessary. Contact us starting in May for one of our monthly appointments.


If you owe money and wish to be serviced by Project SCOUT, file an extension with payment of what you owe. An extension to file is not an extension to pay and amounts owed will be charged penalties and interest. If not sure, look at your last year’s return for reference:

Citas Cerradas el 15 de Abril

Proyecto SCOUT no aceptará más citas para la temporada de impuestos 2024 que finaliza el 15 de abril. Si no tiene obligaciones tributarias (en otras palabras, no le debe dinero al IRS ni al FTB), tiene tres años para presentar la declaración. No es necesaria ninguna extensión. Contáctenos a partir de mayo para una de nuestras citas mensuales.


Si debe dinero y desea que Proyecto SCOUT le atienda, presente una extensión con el pago de lo que debe. Una extensión sin pagar lo que debe no extiende lo debido y cobrarán multas e intereses. Si no está seguro, consulte su declaración del año pasado como referencia:

IRS Extension online - Extension del IRS en linea:


IRS downloadable Extension Form - Extension para el IRS bajable:



FTB Extension online - Extensión para el FTB (no en Espanol):


FTB downloadable Extension Form - Extension para el FTB bajable (no en Espanol):


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For all you give, it’s time to get something back. Make sure you claim your CalEITC and YCTC credits and get the maximum possible refund!

There are many ways to save time and money on your taxes:
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Project SCOUT provides free tax assistance to seniors, individuals with a disability, low-income families and other individuals in Santa Cruz County. We also provide assistance with general tax questions. These programs are coordinated as either Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE). For more information on these programs please visit the IRS’s information page here.

Project SCOUT also helps seniors connect with the CalFresh Program, California’s version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP and formerly known as Food Stamps. This program assists low-income individuals and households with purchasing nutritional food by providing Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) debit cards to qualifying applicants.

Project SCOUT began operations in 1968 as an independent non-profit organization. Last year alone we helped residents receive tax refunds in excess of $1,918,000! Our team of volunteers assist the community with their tax-related needs during tax season, and we’re also available to help on a limited basis through the full year. Due to the high demand for Project SCOUT services, we unfortunately cannot accept walk-ins at this time. Please check the calendar below to schedule your appointment in advance.

Asia healthy elder people, SME owner lady or latin telesale service agent manager answer cellphone call via 5G wifi wireless relax sit at home office desk with smile humor laugh client care job.

Requesting Appointments

Thank you for your interest in tax preparation with Project SCOUT. We provide appointments over the phone at 831-724-2606.

Mensaje en Español Aqui

“Facilitated Self-Assistance”

Free tax preparation is for those who have $60,000 or less of reportable income and only simple returns. No married filing separate, no depreciation, or business income losses of over $10,000.00

If you want to do your own taxes for free, Project SCOUT offers a “Facilitated Self-Assistance” (FSA) option for those with income of $60,000.00 or less. Link is here:

Volunteers will be available to help with questions as you use the FSA option.


If you need help with or throughout the process, please:

Call: 831-724-2606

“For Appointments at all Project Scout Sites”

(No files will be received or processed online. Make sure you do not send any forms here).

Download our flyer so you know what to bring for your appointment!
Download Flyer

For your appointment, please download and
fully complete the
Intake Sheet

Please reply to this email with your full name, your age, where you live in Santa Cruz or San Benito County, and what you need to file in your 2024 tax return with days and times that would work for an appointment.

Call: 831-724-2606

Program Goals

The program seeks to: 

  • Assist seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income families with tax preparation
  • Connect eligible residents to CalFresh resources for nutrition support
  • Coordinate and educate volunteers 
  • Develop stronger communities 

The Facts

  • We helped prepare over 1,440 returns in 2022 alone
  • Federal refunds 2022: $1,140,553
  • State refunds 2022: $162,493
  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) claimed 2022: $297,826
Elderly couples talking and using laptop in bedroom

Services & Supports

Project SCOUT volunteers offer income tax assistance and help with tax-related questions for Santa Cruz and San Benito County low-income families and individuals with simple returns and reportable income of $60,000.00 and below.

Project SCOUT volunteers are certified by the Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board to assist the community with basic free tax preparation. For disabled individuals unable to get to our tax sites, we offer online assistance and drop-off services. Donations are gladly accepted.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment or request more information, please contact us:

Partner Organizations

Looking for Assistance?

We understand that caregivers, family and seniors may be interested in which direct services are available through the Seniors Council network.