The Seniors Council of Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties is proud to offer the following services:

Have questions about preparing or filing your taxes?

 Want to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)? Visit Project SCOUT for more information.

Looking for CalFresh (formerly known as SNAP) nutrition assistance information?

We can help you get an EBT card to purchase fresh and healthy foods.

Want to connect with peers, provide smiles, and visit seniors in-home?

Sign up today to become a Senior Companion.

Additional Support

We understand that caregivers, family, and seniors may be interested in which additional direct services are available through the Seniors Council network. Please contact the following agencies for information on the resources and assistance they provide.

Friendship Line

Institute on Aging, one of California’s largest nonprofits dedicated to health and community programs for older adults, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers, has teamed up with the California Department of Aging (CDA) to expand resources across California.

Friendship Line California is a 24-hour, toll-free “life-line” that is dedicated to serving Californians over 60 who may be feeling anxious, fearful or lonely. The Friendship Line is both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support call. The phone line is staffed with specialists who provide emotional support, grief support, active suicide intervention, information and referrals.

The ongoing challenges of life with COVID affect all of us. While staying at home will keep you safe, it may also lead to feeling lonely and isolated from others. Help us spread the world that older Californians and their caregivers can call Friendship Line California at (888) 670-1360 to connect with someone who can provide a friendly, listening ear today.


Need Additional Assistance?

We understand that caregivers, family and seniors may be interested in which direct services are available through the Seniors Council network.